Upgrading to v0.10.0

This guide covers the upgrade process from version < v0.10.0 to v0.10.0 or newer, which includes a one-time database migration from SQLite to PostgreSQL.

The v0.10.0 release introduces a new database backend, PostgreSQL, which replaces SQLite. This change is required because SQLite is not suitable for environments with concurrent writes that AliasVault requires.

A built-in database migration tool is included in the installer script to help you migrate your data from SQLite to PostgreSQL.

Update Steps

  1. First, backup your existing SQLite database:
    cp database/AliasServerDb.sqlite database/AliasServerDb.sqlite.backup
  2. Update AliasVault to the latest version:
    ./install.sh update
  3. Run the database migration tool:
    ./install.sh migrate-db
  4. After the migration has completed successfully, restart all AliasVault containers:
    ./install.sh restart
  5. Test the upgrade by logging in to the admin panel and checking that your data is intact.

If you encounter any issues during the upgrade, please create an issue on the GitHub repository or contact via Discord.