Build from Source

Instead of using the pre-built Docker images, you can also build the images from source yourself. This allows you to build a specific version of AliasVault and/or to make changes to the source code.

Building from source requires more resources:

  • Minimum 4GB RAM (more RAM will speed up build time)
  • At least 1 vCPU
  • 40GB+ disk space (for dependencies and build artifacts)
  • Docker installed
  • Git installed


  1. Clone the repository
    git clone
    cd AliasVault
  2. Make the build script executable and run it. This will create the .env file, build the Docker images locally from source, and start the AliasVault containers. Follow the on-screen prompts to configure AliasVault.
    chmod +x
    ./ build

    Note: The build process can take a while depending on your hardware (5-15 minutes).

  3. After the script completes, you can access AliasVault at:
    • Client: https://localhost
    • Admin: https://localhost/admin