Release Preparation Checklist

Follow the steps in the checklist below to prepare a new release.


  • Update ./src/Shared/AliasVault.Shared.Core/AppInfo.cs and update major/minor/patch to the new version. This version will be shown in the client and admin app footer.
  • Update ./ @version in header if the install script has changed. This allows the install script to self-update when running the ./ update command on default installations.
  • Update download link to point to the new release version

Docker Images

If docker containers have been added or removed:

  • Verify that .github/workflows/publish-docker-images.yml contains references to all docker images that need to be published.
  • Update and verify that the images=() array that takes care of pulling the images from the GitHub Container Registry is updated.

Manual Testing (since v0.10.0+)

  • Verify that the db migration from SQLite to PostgreSQL works. This needs to be tested manually until the SQLite support is removed. Test with: ./ db-migrate on an existing installation that has a SQLite database in ./database/AliasServerDb.sqlite.


  • Update /docs instructions if any changes have been made to the setup process
  • Update README screenshots if applicable
  • Update README current/upcoming features